Monday, August 2, 2010

I am in need of information about meth cut with heroin

I have been a meth user for 10 years however last year right before I went to rehab I was using meth cut with heroin. I used it very heavily for about a month, I understand the mentality to a certain extent because the most important part of a business(no matter what you are selling) is your customer loyalty. So the result is the users get physically addicted to your product specifically. What I have questions about are the tole this combination takes on your body and are there any long term or permanent side effects?
I also relapsed not to long ago with the same combination and I felt completely comfortable and tired but my heart was racing and it felt like my whole body was shaking or vibrating. It never effected me like that before and my chest still feels strange when i breath in almost like all my muscles inside my chest are pulled or something. Should I be seeking medical attention?

I understand that drugs are bad regardless and all of that, I welcome any opinions and comments but it would help me out greatly if some could clue me in on the physiological side to it too.


  1. H Brandy,

    I too recently acquired some meth cut with heroin. I deduced this by the different taste (when smoked), the fact that it leaves a brown puddle (and stain) in the pipe while smoking, and the different high. I believe that this should be chemically possible to create (similar to the Australian drug Krokodil, but with heroin instead of desomorphine), I think this is a great high, and a wonderful idea in the world of drugs. I appreciate all drugs, and generally jump between drugs in order to alleviate the withdrawals/addictions of each. I enjoy speedballs of meth and heroin (smoked) anyway, so this is perfect for me. A hardcore meth user may be able to experience heroin for the first time, which is a safer drug for the body, so I see it as a positive creation. I would say that any uncomfortable feeling you have would
    probably be due to either excessive usage or stress-induced paranoia. However, irregular heartbeat, nervous tension and digestive issues are common effects of meth and/or heroin anyway, so I wouldn't dwell on it too much. If anything, try taking a Xanax toward the end of your high to alleviate stress. Today, I smoked roughly a gram of the meth/heroin combo (which is more than I usually ingest of either drug in one day), on top of Adderall and Xanax (prescribed to me), and I'm totally fine. If you had a proble with this drug in the past, then your discomfort could be a sign that your body doesn't enjoy the drug. :)

  2. My problem is I was getting better great methamphetamine that was sometimeso cut with sea salt. Not often but when I got it it burned like hell when I snorted it. I said something to the person and got new stuff. I happens when you don't complain about it all the time. I have been going this for 2 years. Over the last 2 weeks I cut my buying down and my friend asked what was up. I told him that it was getting me sick to the point of puking. He said well take a break maybe it is just your body saying give it a break. I did and last night I got some a gram, well did half a line of my normal about .3 of a gram and with I an hour I was puking . My question is this is that because it is cut with herion ? I had gotten a speed ball years ago when I was snorting coke. Not what I wanted but it did the same thing. I am a speed guy. So anything that makes me go 160 miles an hour is good. I can't do downer drugs even pills.
    Any feed back on this please email me at I need help badly with this.

  3. I've been doing crank meth speed for 30 yrs and im way disappointed in the dumbasses who are cutting speed e heroin.i personally do feel that its like giving someone something without their consent!! Im not tryin to sighn up to be sick later!! Thats the reason i dont do heroin in the first place.I think its the bad peice of shit ones that are violin the shit laced with h.Study's have proven that it causes more like alot 2-3x more plaque build up around ur heart valves which is what causes a heart attack when u mix fast dope slow dope.including pills.i would like to find out which depression med is toxic when mixed w smoking meth. People have died and the cause was the combination of meth andsomething in the script for depression.does anyone know more or which one it is??

  4. Can U visually tell when your shit has been mixed with heroin. I always assumed that you could. Because heroin is dark brown or black,and methamphetamine is a crystalline substance.

  5. Can U visually tell when your shit has been mixed with heroin. I always assumed that you could. Because heroin is dark brown or black,and methamphetamine is a crystalline substance.

  6. What is the difference in high compared to regular Crystal

  7. I do meth I like to go up not down well the last several times I've gotten when we get done smoking we start nodding off slept every nite then tho it was all gone and we suddenly stated wide awake buzzing around for two days no nodding nothing of down side. Then git some more and instantly started nodding . Ya that's bullshit I've not done or seen heroin do I thought but the only thing I can tell by look is when cut it seems to be a lot whiter and like little granules ice (meth) is called ice because it SHOULD look like sheets of ice with a clear USB color. To me I smoke if mixed when you exhale kinda a plain taste and like I said the heroin. Takes over first but if you stop doing because heroin don't last as long then the meth has a chance to surface and your Hi but if you keep doing it trying to get that speed buzz your use to you'll just keep nodding then wKing and smoking more trying to achieve your Hi not realizing your killing it.we just did half on oz and a 8 ball in 6 days guys that is 17 grams if you can realize how much that is if it was Neth I'd be climbing the walls but guess what I'm nodding. But my girl who is a very good friend denies it and I think she don't wanna mention it to her plug who is trying to get more physically booked addicts cause meth is not physically addicting but heroin is you get very sick once addicted if you can't get more. Hats just fucked up to do people like that and they don't even know what hit them til it's to late. If your a dealer and your doing this your the workday kinda dealer their are plenty of addicts without making people one without having a choice. And your killing innocent unaware people may God have grace so you don't suffer a long painful antagonizing death

  8. I just bought H from some one and it didn't look anything like what I buy back home it looked like it had pieces of glass like crystals in it ... I wasn't getting High but I wasn't dope sick ... night time came I could not shut my eyes I did some more i stayed up for three nights. I went a day without it even tho I was dope sick because it wasn't only keeping me up it was causing bad pains in my stomach I couldn't eat my heart was beating so fast and I was very numb and tingly every where I was seeing things and hearin shit it felt like I was coming off crack except I never use to get numb and tingly coming off that. But I'm traveling and I'm in North Carolina and it seems to be the only stuff I can find am I safe taking it still ?? And what do u think it is

    1. No you should not. if it looks like how you describe it then I am quite confident its cut with meth which can be very dangerous. I'm in Ohio and some of the dope I've gotten lately has been cut with meth. It seems to be becoming a trend which I don't like at all.

    2. I too have experienced this. I wasn't sure if it was cut with meth or something like benedryl because it does the same effect to me. They called it dog food but it had brown crystals and powder. They said it came from Russia....I flushed it and got my normal person. Is that what toy all think I had?

  9. NWO - we have to stick together. Now more than ever. This corrupt version of the American dream will be our demise if we don't quit using their drugs people.

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